Absolutely. But it may not be in the manner you might expect.

The Office suite of products are meant for use in just that place: an office. They were not designed for four-color printing (they are set up for RGB color), but with some professional intervention, your Office files will still do the job.

If you’re going with digital printing, you have no worries. A digital press, like our Canon imagePRESS C6000, will do the job just as your office inkjet does. But it you need a higher quantity or the economy of going to press, we need to take an extra step.

printing procedures, proofreading and capturing keystrokesGather up all your photos, logos, and assorted artwork. Include any special fonts you want used. Type up a Word document to contain all the verbiage. If you have a rough layout, include that too. We will take your pieces and use a professional layout program to replicate your layout. We can control color (CMYK) and file quality along the way so there are no surprises at press time. There will still be proofs for you to look at, but if you submitted your verbiage in Word, we didn’t have to recapture those keystrokes and so you should not have to proofread for new errors, just anything that was already there.

Make sense? If not, give us a call and we’ll show you.

What’s your best story about getting an Office document printed on an offset press? How was the process? What would you change?